Monday, 24 September 2018

Kensuke's Kingdom Animated Map

This is my Kensuke's Kingdom Animated Map, we use Google slides to animate. We used the Transition button and click the box to animate, see my nice animation above the text.

You may find some other animation by other people at Elm Park School, see them also too.
The Animation is the Book " Kensuke's Kingdom, Chapter 3 Ship Log"  

Persuasive Speech

This is my Persuasive Speech about Intermediate. Finding about Intermediate could be a little bit nervous and I'm also kind of nervous, read the speech above the Text ; and find out what is Intermediate Beginnings.

Most like me I don't like writing speeches because the take a long time for me to think out of a idea from my ideas centre.

This idea took a long time to think out that Intermediate could a little new to some people.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Mixed & Improper Fractions

IAL: Understand Mixed and Improper Fractions

Mixed and Improper Fractions:

A few year ago on Blogger there are some posts about how I share fraction evenly, they were called Proper Factions and Equal Fractions.
This time this a Mixed Fraction and Improper Fractions, Made by Me and My Buddies.

Improper Fraction are a fraction in which the numerator is greater than the denominator, such as 5/4.

Mixed Fraction are Improper Fraction they are Divided by the Fraction.

There are more in the slide About Improper Fractions and Mixed Fractions that I know.

My next learning is: Equivalent Fractions

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

How to make a Heart-Faced dog

On Tuesday 4th September 2018

Mrs Graham decided that we had work with other people so she said that me and Michael had to be buddies. 

We did an activity. The activity was that we had to choose who was A and who was B. I chose B and Ayah chose A. Person B had to draw exactly what the Person A said. This was the picture that Ayah was giving instructions to: 

And this was what I drew: 

It was really close but there were some mistakes. The things that went wrong was that I forgot to tell him to colour in the nose. The ears also went wrong because I didn't know what shape they were so it was really confusing. The heart wasn't fat enough

This below are the Instructions:
Why don't you try it out?